Well, my FB and twitter feed is full of people pictures of the temperature and weather....in their car, on their phone, from the TV...it's pretty crazy around here. But, we live in WI, where we should expect it to be cold, so let's just move on.
I haven't posted since IM Cozumel, which feels like it was a year ago! I took a really nice few weeks off and enjoyed the holidays and some fun with friends and family. It felt great to take it easy!! I'm back into a bit of training now, but have also kept very busy with planning of the Snowshoe Scurry. This has been a fun new project and I'm so excited with how it's going. We have snowshoe races every Sunday in January here in the Madison area.
If you live here, I hope you will come check it out!! This Sunday we are at Donald Park.
In other news, I am still in the works of planning the 2014 race schedule, but right now I am looking at a spring IM (which I haven't done in a few years!), some 70.3 in the summer months, IM WI and then maybe one more IM at the end of the year again.
If you know me, you know I am always thinking and planning new projects, businesses, or you name it...well, this works well as a pro triathlete, since we truly have to get creative with how we make money....since we all know there is actually very little money in triathlon. Because of this, I have added a 'Donate' button to my blog here to try and raise funds to pay for my pro license this year. It costs $800 just to race pro on the WTC (Ironman) circuit. I know I am very lucky with Sponsors and am lucky to be living my passion but I am also very thankful and appreciative of all of the support I get and believe that relationships are truly what make the world go round!
Thanks for reading :)
Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.