Madison Triathlon camp 2013, hosted by
Speed Cycling Madison with nutrition support from
Powerbar was a hit!!
It was a weekend filled with swimming, biking, running, eating, laughing and sharing stories. We had some returners from the previous year as well as some 'new blood'. We were also lucky enough to have our friends from
Peak Performance Massage provide some much appreciated massage to the campers on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.
I am so thankful to be surrounded and supported by such great businesses and athletes here in Madison that truly love the sport and want to have FUN doing it. So THANK YOU to everyone that made this camp work so smoothly! An extra special thanks to: Petra for helping organize, plan and facilitate the camp, Gordy Paulson for the talks on Friday, my awesome boyfriend Mark who manned the grill for us on Saturday and helped out with the bike ride Sunday, Mark Provenzano for planning the route and sagging for the windiest ride EVER on Saturday, Lindsey for the awesome SAG (including those awesome homemade pop tarts) for the Ironman loop on Sunday.
I don't have much else to say, so here's a recap in pictures:
Still smiling after hill repeats on Observatory! |
Day 1: Gordy gave talks on Riding with Power and Recovery. Very useful info!! |
Clearly this is Day 3 and we are all very friendly :) |
It was chilly biking all weekend, but everyone was tough!! |
Functional Strength session...I watched. This looked ROUGH! |
Me and Petra (Owner of Speed Cycling) at the Pool for our technique session. |
Swimming in formation = great open water practice! |
Getting some insight from the campers :)
Hope you can join us next year!!!
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