This race was not on my calendar this year, however when I heard about the changes being made to the pro races and that Louisville wouldn't have a professional race next year, I had to do it. I finished 2nd place in Louisville in 2011 and 2012 and was thinking I had better go for the win since it's my last shot!! (more on these changes another time)

I was less than a minute behind second place through transition and thought I could hustle and get her to have someone to bike with. Well....I was wrong! She took off like a bat out of hell and my legs were not having any of that. After 5 miles of trying to push to catch, I finally conceded to the idea that my legs needed a bit of time to come around. This happens sometimes in Ironman and I've learned that it's important to go with the flow of what your body is giving you. So I let the watts come down and let my legs get into it. By 20 miles I was feeling better and by 50 miles I was feeling great! Still, it was a long solo ride (except the second loop where it was passing people the entire time...).
It started to get hot and I was making sure to keep my body cool and stay on top of hydration. It was my slowest bike time at this race...but times were slow all around, so there must have been some wind and/or heat humidity playing role there...OR the way that they changed the dismount line! You now have to dismount and run with your bike a good 100-200yards. It's pretty ridiculous. 5:19 bike.

On the run it wasn't long before I realized I was a LONG way from first or second and the temperatures were rising quickly. This was a bit discouraging, but I knew from many hot races that things can change quickly. So I made keeping my body cool and nourished a priority - taking ice every time, filling my hand-held bottle, taking Perform or cola and a gel every few miles. This seemed to work and the miles were ticking off. Soon I heard Kate was walking up ahead and I moved into 2nd place. This was exciting! Now I was thinking ok, 2nd is much better than 3rd - this can pay for my wedding!! It was a ways back to the girls behind me who seemed to be all shifting positions, and too far to get Nina who was still running fine, so I just kept to the walking every aid station, kept it steady until the finish. I knew I had another Ironman coming up and didn't want to totally tear my legs off :) I enjoyed a nice walk through the finish chute and a very nice IV after the race.

Big thank you to Mark who came down and raced with me!! Also to our friend Will Smith who was down working with Norma-Tec and Mark's brother Paul for both cheering and encouraging us.
My sponsors are amazing and I would not be doing so well if it weren't for them!
Timex, Trek, Shimano, PowerTap, Castelli, Powerbar, Rudy Project, Nathan Hydration, Newton, Blue Seventy
Local sponsors: Speed Cycling, Peak Performance Massage, Endurance House Middleton, Sport and Spine Clinic of Madison West, David Kohli of Perfect Circle Cycling
THANK YOU! Hope to see you at Ironman WI this weekend!! Come check out the pro panel on Friday at 11am at the Terrace and the Ironkids race Saturday morning.
Check out my video from the race last year (Thanks Dave!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7uQwHAL9o4
Best of luck this weekend Jackie!! So far the weather forcast looks PERFECT! :)